Consumer Products

Consumer Industry which deals with high volume of food products, packaged goods, clothing, beverages, automobiles and electronics. Every product which requires labeling requires to be having data standardized, and complaint with FDC, and other regulations such as FTC, FDA, FD&C, and COPA.

Tat-Solutions has extensive experience in streamlining the business process, standardize the data, and setup master data as per regulations and make the organizations complaint with industry standards.


Most retailers face the challenge of effectively managing the creation and retirement of retail Articles, SKUs, etc. The creation and change of articles remains a very inefficient, manual process with no clear data ownership and little to no transparency in the process. Most retailers still utilize email and spreadsheet-driven management of articles which is a very inefficient way to run an operation.

Tat-Solutions can help you implement Master Data solutions for Retail & Fashion Management which include the following:

Establishes a “maintain once, use everywhere” best practice.

Reduces overall system maintenance by identifying defects early and ensures immediate compliance with corporate data standards.

Flexible workflow capabilities allow for collaboration within the company, eliminating silos of decision-making.


Wholesale Distribution Indusrty is showing tremendus growth every year. Distributors project from 2017 onwards. In this year’s survey, 41.3 percent expect sales growth of 5 percent to 10 percent (up from 38 percent a year ago), while 28.9 percent expect growth of up to 5 percent and 19.3 percent expect growth of more than 10 percent. With increasing demand, Businesses are struggling to keep up with the pace and has to scale up by using new technologies and implementing master data solutions.

Tat-Solutions provides comprehensive solutions for wholesale industries. Tat-Solutions has not only done the initial assessment but also designed and implemented data governance solution. Tat-Solutions solution has improvised the process of onboarding the products with high quality data, and streamlining the whole business process.

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